According to the above verses, we have started our ministry among the lepers in order to help them as well as to preach the word of God. As you know the lepers are neglected, totally neglected by most of the people on the plea that they are not considered to live in the midst of society. In old testament period leprosy affected people were not allowed to live in the city area. They were sent to the nearly forest.. When normal man approach him the sick man had to shout “ unclean in order to prevent him to come near to him. But our lord has much sympathy on these people and preach us to be kind and help these people. Almost all the lepers are beggars and living as untouchables in society. We have made a survey and found that all the lepers are living misable life. So we have started our ministry to help these neglected people.
I hope you will surely come forward to prayer us. To start with we gather the lepers in each village and shall provide them the following amenities. Shelter, Food and Water, Clothe & Prayer Place & medicines and capsules to cure DISEASE & CHRONIC ULCER TROUBLES. This is a common noble cause helping group of neglected people. kindly bear in mind that they are also belong to our society. So please support us to help and serve the lepers.