We have 7 branch Churches. These branch churches are running in rented rooms, some are in rented lands. We built a small shed and we are worshipping Jesus Christ. branch church pastors, some are working on daily wages basis and some are working the Agriculture field for 4 days a week. They are working part time jobs and they are doing God’s Ministry. They are doing the ministry in the midst of their suffering. They are in the rented house. They don’t have proper food and clothes for their children. They are suffering a lot. Each and everyone has their own sad story. I don’t want to burden your least by telling their story. Please pray for their ministry; please pray for their ministry & their family life. If you are interested in knowing the details of the pastors or if you want to pray for any one of the pastors, please do inform us so that we can able to send the details of the pastors. Every first Saturday of every month we are supporting very pastors God’s name will be lifted in India & also God’s Gospel will be preached in many of the villages in India.